Tuesday, June 14, 2011

T-Shirt Yarn

I feel like today was a pretty busy day, but overall unproductive.  I did do a couple of noteworthy things though.  The good news is I started working out with Dad yesterday.  Today was my second day.  It's nice waking up early when the sun rises.  I love the feeling of knowing that you already knocked out a workout, dog walk, etc. etc. and it's not even noon yet!  I'm definitely going to try to keep up with this solar schedule of mine that I have going.  It just seems so much healthier to wake up and go to sleep along with the daylight. 

After my successful workout we went to check on the car - prognosis not so good - and I began searching Craigslist for a cheap and reasonably decent car.  I've found some potentials, but I'm just paranoid about scammers.  There's just so much more at stake than when I've bought things like textbooks and such off Craigslist before.  I found this cute Volvo that I'm really liking, but on a more practical note, I'm thinking more along the lines of Toyota, Honda, etc.  They're just so much more common and cheaper to maintain, not to mention easier to find parts in the case that something happens. 

I pretty much spent the rest of my day on Craigslist and Foodgawker, and have still yet to complete an assignment for my Econ class.  I've started reading the first lesson, but it also doesn't help that my textbook and online access code haven't arrived in the mail yet.  I've kindof been using that as an excuse as to why I haven't been on top of things.  Hopefully they'll come tomorrow though, or atleast by Thursday.  Because I REALLY can't get behind if I want to take any Major classes next semester, considering this is a pre-req to basically everything. 

On a side note, I finally made my first "craft"!  I was going to make the T-Shirt headband that I've been wanting to do ever since I came across the page, but I realized that they require either sewing or super glue, and I just wasn't feeling it today.  That'll be for another day.  So instead, I decided to make T-Shirt yarn instead!  I was honestly surprised at how relatively easy it was, and how well the final product turned out to be.  I'm not sure yet what I'll use it for, but I feel like there are so many possibilities.  I'm thinking my own version of the T-Shirt headband.  Not sure yet though...  Also, the yarn that I made is really white, so I was thinking to maybe vegetable dye?  I kindof wish I would have thought of doing that BEFORE I had made transformed the shirt into yarn though, because I think that way it could have had a really cool patchy tie-dye effect, whereas now I'm thinking it'll just be solid.  That's fine though- it's my first one, and really a trial run.  I'm excited about the fact that it's like three crafts in one!  Hopefully it'll turn out well and become something that I'll actually use.  And if all else fails, it'll have been a good upcycling trial experience, right?

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